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Emergency checklist

How to Prepare for Emergencies

The Bay Area is no stranger to natural disasters. Being prepared for the next emergency is the best thing you can do to insure your health and safety. This section offers emergency preparedness tips and guides, as well as information about how our company responds to water-related emergencies.

We encourage all San Jose residents to keep a minimum of three days worth of water per person on hand. Check out this section for more on how to best prepare.

Be Prepared graphic of fireman with hose

Disaster Preparedness

Being prepared for the next emergency is the best thing you can do to ensure your health and safety. Check out our comprehensive list of disaster preparedness tips here

SJW employee reviewing paperwork with a customer

Disaster Relief Customer Protections

At San Jose Water, we are committed to providing support to our customers when facing the unimaginable — the loss of a home, business or property due to a disaster declared by the state or federal government.  If you are a victim in this situation, we can assist in the following ways:

Ngắt Điện An Toàn Công Cộng của PG&E (PSPS)

Đó là tin tức. Nhiều năm qua, California đã phải đối mặt với cháy rừng dữ dội và chết chóc. Trong năm 2019, PG&E đã chuẩn bị kế hoạch ngắt điện đến các thành phần trong cộng đồng của chúng ta để đề phòng hỏa hoạn trong điều kiện thời tiết nhất định. Ngắt Điện An Toàn Công Cộng (PSPS) này có thể ảnh hưởng đến khả năng cung cấp nước của San Jose Water đến nhà hoặc công ty của quý vị.

Cortes de Energía de Seguridad Pública de PG&E (PSPS)

En todas las noticias podrá encontrar que el estado de California ha enfrentado varios años de enormes y mortales incendios forestales. Para el año 2019, PG&E ha diseñado un plan para cortar la energía eléctrica en ciertas partes de nuestra comunidad como un método de precaución contra incendios forestales bajo ciertas condiciones climáticas.

Earthquake Preparedness

Find out how to secure safe, potable water during an emergency.

PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff graphic

PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdowns

SJW is prepared! We have invested not only in the pipes, tanks, and water treatment infrastructure for the future, but the purchase and installation of back-up power and control systems that might be called upon from time to time during electrical power outages.  

What to Do in a Water Emergency

Contact SJW Customer Service at (408) 279-7900. This line is staffed 24/7 for water emergency services. After our call center closes, your call will be routed to dispatch or to an after-hours operator.